When Life Changes In An Instant
/You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.
This spring, life changed dramatically for all of us. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined my beloved London plunging into lockdown.
Eighteen springs ago, my own life took an unforeseen twist when I woke up in hospital on a beautiful May afternoon, to be told the seemingly benign lump I’d just had removed from my left breast was, in fact, cancer.
My busy life as a young, single London architect crashed to a halt, as I entered several months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cancer was a harsh place to land in, but also a strangely interesting one, so far removed from my day-to-day reality of site meetings, construction drawings, rushed trips to the gym, and Saturday night parties. Which is why I started writing about it. The result is my memoir, Hidden: Young, Single, Cancer.
Hidden is out now. You can buy it HERE!